LEIGH FORBES: Books of all Sorts


Leigh is a writer of contemporary fiction, a freelance book-designer, and reviewer, based in Sussex, UK.

Having begun writing seriously in 2007, Leigh found short-story success with The People’s Friend, Take a Break, and The Weekly News magazines. As part of the 12-member Story a Fortnight group, she published Tears and Laughter and Happy Ever After in 2014, and her short fiction has also been published in other anthologies too.
She also published a novella, The Game, in 2014, and is working on three novels.

Conversations with my Children
In 2019, Leigh published Conversations with my Children: or how I got roasted by my kids, a collection of funny, whimsical, and sometimes poignant everyday-roastings of a mother with three smart-alec kids.

ISBN13: 9781900929110, 100pp, illustrated, £4.99. Buy now.

Book Design
After leaving university, Leigh established Blot Publishing to design books (and later ebooks) for authors and indie publishers, and now has 25 years experience in the industry. If you would like help formatting your book for paperback, hardback, or ebook publication, please get in touch.
